As we near the end of AP5, you may have noticed (rightly) a certain emphasis on listening and reading coming from me. This is because for many (most?) of you, these are your main weaknesses based on tests and self-analysis, and they are critically important to your future academic success in English. Of course, they are founded on a solid vocabulary base that I hope you continue to build and reinforce.
Please continue to practice listening and reading outside of your required academic tasks. I have shared some favourite resources with you through the semester.
One of my favourites, of course, is Charles Adler. ( His radio podcasts provide a wonderful variety of dialogues and conversations on a variety of topics of interest. (Remember, dialogue is better than monologue and a conversation is better than a speech. Adler demonstrates this.)
Here is a recent podcast about Generation Y.
Another of my favourite listening resources is Charlie Rose (, a somewhat more serious interviewer. His interviews and panel discussions are in video form. Here is one with the author of the
e-book I downloaded yesterday. And here is the author/book's blog. Try to find the flowchart/graphic about habit.
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