One of my favourite interviewers (when I am feeling that I want to be mentally stimulated) is Charlie Rose.
His own website
( describes him thus:
Acclaimed interviewer and broadcast journalist Charlie Rose engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers in one-on-one interviews and roundtable discussions.
Unfortunately, his website videos require flash player, so they won't work on iOs devices. However, you can access his latest interviews though the free Bloomberg TV app available from the app store.
Find a person or topic that interests you and have a listen. Interviews range from 15 to 45 minutes. The panel discussions are great.
A couple of interviews I recommend are these:
Michael Lewis: (a writer on international business and economics)
Larry Page: (founder of Google)
Gloria Steinem (about Women leaders in America)
Explore the
website for other topics or personalities that interest you. Listen for 5 minutes and then decide if you are interested or able to follow the discussion. They won't all suit you, but you can find some gems that can provide many new ideas and assist learning.